We support the creation of the Anaheim Police Department Real Time Crime Center:

On a daily basis, officers and detectives in the field encounter criminals in various settings and each individual and each place has a relevant history; for example, individuals may have previous arrests and outstanding warrants, and geographic areas have unique crime rates and trends. This data is stored in multiple cities, state and federal databases that require considerable time to sift through and gather the data. Without immediate access to this information, police personnel are hard pressed to make the quick connections and deductions necessary for effective policing. The Real Time Crime Center will bring all of this information together in one location and provide officers in the field with pertinent information nearly instantaneously.

We support the creation Anaheim Police Department Regional Training Center:

A state-of-the-art training facility to offer innovative training that cultivates high performing professionals. The training center will take a holistic approach in public safety training, which will focus on the Mind, Body and Heart of the APD employees. The Mind is training in the area of knowledge of laws, policies, procedures, leadership development, and best practices. The Body is training in the proficiency of perishable skills regarding tactics and techniques, such as; arrest and control, firearms, drivers training, etc. The Heart is the humanity side of policing that teaches public safety employees how to fully engage the community to understand their issues and challenges and partnering with them to enhance the trust of the community they serve.

We support the Anaheim Police Departments Peer Support Therapy Dog Program

The Anaheim Police Department has a Peer Support team that consists of 30 members who provide support to police department personnel who are going through a personal or professional crisis. Police work is incredibly stressful and on almost a daily basis police employees respond to traumatic events, such as death, severe injury, and violence, sometimes dealing with unsavory or destructive people. The cumulative effects of these exposures can have an impact on a person’s physical and mental well-being.
A vital component of the Peer Support team are two therapy dogs who, with their trained handlers, provide comfort and support to APD employees who are dealing with these stressful situations. The Anaheim Police Department Foundation is proud to provide financial support to the care and training of the therapy dogs for the Peer Support team.

We support the Anaheim Police Department Awards and Retirement Ceremony

Every year the Anaheim Police Department honors the courageous men and women of the police department for their heroic and lifesaving efforts, outstanding performance, and contributions to the department, and celebrates the well-deserved retirement of their employees who have contributed many years of dedicated service to the police department and the Anaheim community. The Anaheim Police Foundation is proudly a major donor of this important ceremony. We would like to personally thank our major sponsors the United Parcel Service and Versaterm for their support.

We support the Anaheim Police Department End of Watch (EOW) Cycling Team

The Anaheim Police Department EOW Cycling team honors California’s fallen officers by cycling from the Police Officer’s State memorial in Sacramento to the Anaheim Police Department’s memorial at the Department’s main station. This 634-mile trek is completed by the team in four days. EOW partners with the Anaheim Police Foundation and the Anaheim Police Survivors and Scholarship Fund to raise funds for families of law enforcement officers killed or severely injured in the line of duty and provide college scholarships for their children. Police departments throughout California and the nation honor our fallen officers during this same time period with similar fund-raising efforts. The Anaheim Police Department Foundation is honored to support this worthy cause.

The Anaheim Police Department Foundation proudly sponsored the Anaheim Police Departments Mounted Unit in the 135th Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade!

Alongside were there partners in the OC Regional Mounted Unit including mounted officers from Irvine, Santa Ana, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Buena Park Police Departments and the OC Sheriff’s Department. Please click on the photo below to view the video.